Fresh Thinking Blog
Think [ruminate, stew, ponder]
…Outside [distinct from, beyond]
…the Box [the fences, the pack, the usual]
We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows.
Robert Frost

Election Alert!
Instead of elections? * It’s time to START thinking about the coming elections – if you haven’t already. And you should because there simply isn’t an “instead of” for elections ...

Decoding Putin’s Foreign Policy
Trying to understand Mr. Putin? Putin might have a point! The West – especially Ukraine and its backers – should rethink what they’re doing. Mr. Putin explains, “It all started ...

A Users Guide: Political Debates
This is not about how to make a political speech. It is a guide for listening to one. Step One: Listen. American philosopher Henry David Thoreau once said, “It takes ...

The Earth laughs in flowers
A Ukrainian Memory… The Ukrainians I have known are kind and warm-hearted people, yet they are unbreakable. Violence belongs to the weak. And only the strong can be gentle. This ...

The Resolution Solution
The Resolution Solution? New Year’s resolutions? Give up now if you want to succeed. Fail first. Do it now! As a matter of fact, keep on failing. After all, you’ve ...

E Pluribus Unum
IT’S ON EVERY U.S. PENNY, DIME, QUARTER, AND, DOLLAR. E Pluribus Unum. It’s there almost as if we mean it. Out of many, One. This has been the unofficial motto ...

Politics and Brains On An Adrenalin Overdose
This one is not new, but it will probably never get old, so why not start out by ruffling a few feathers? Feelings have no IQ Thinking with your feelings ...

The Third Side of the Story
Whichever side you’re on, you’re probably wrong! Every two-sided story has three sides. The third side is almost always ignored. In fact, most people don’t believe it exists. They would ...